Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Capital Briefing: No Impeachment (yet)

Sorry so late, but y'gotta check out this blog (Capital Briefing) from Washington Post's Kane.

If not impeachment, then it's immunity for that Assistant AG who said she's taking the Fifth (Amendment -- that is asserting one's right to remain silent), so forcing her to testify about what she was so afraid might incriminate herself, that would be according to her own lawyer of course. Now that's good. Of course lawyers need lawyers in order to be (and become) better lawyers and also to remain protected from other lawyers.

Six members of the committee voted not to grant the immunity. One member, from Texas, wanted to know whether, if immunity might not be granted AG Gonzales might resign. The response? "How should I know... (I loved that). Let's not go there (yet), okay?"

Whew, it's a jungle out there.

ALSO: On Tuesday, paying tribute to the observance of Equal Pay Day, Clinton chose to blog about pay equity on -- the smart, edgy and saucy progressive blog run by women. It's the online home for Jane Hamsher, producer of the 1994 cult classic film "Natural Born Killers" and author of a bestselling, tell-all book "Killer Instinct" on the making of the controversial movie. From, The Sleuth (Mary Ann Akers) and Washington Post

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