Thursday, January 25, 2007

March, March, March! (in January)

Here is something for we, the Peaceful People: ("Around The Nation")

March on Washington: Act Now to End the War!
  • Washington, DC.

On Saturday, January 27, people from every corner of the country will march on Washington, DC. Our message will be clear, our voice will be strong: End the war in Iraq, Bring all the troops home now! Jan. 28: Peace and Justice lobby training, strategy exchange and skills sharing. Jan. 29: Educate Congress Day--lobby or join a CODEPINK action in Congress. Jan. 30: One last DC action with Codepink. For more information and to sign up to attend and/or volunteer go to or

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Scoop on the Legislative Session

Here it is. A good synopsis from Mark Croatti, who teaches American government at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland) writing in What's Up Annapolis Magazine.

Personnel, Retiree issues, Health, lead the agenda.

If you have not already discovered Topix, check it out here;

Also there is this one, called Inside Annapolis; and almost forgot this, (all of them newly added to my sidebar links)

For interesting Annapolis, Maryland and eastern shore news, events, things to do.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Happy Inauguration Day!

I can't go, but there's a big party at Annapolis! May the fresh breeze be following and long-lasting.

The Maryland Legislature is welcoming Gov. O'Malley with "open arms" WYPR (6:35 am).

Politicized AG's from the Guardian (UK)?

UPDATE: Just in case you were wondering, Scooter Libby, now on trial, works here (Hudson Inst.) for now. Doug has this post on the trial. And I was searching for the Post article from a few days ago on bloggers, msm and the trial, noting that this may be a historic first time a blogger will have press credentials (a seat in the media box?). I'll link to it when I find that.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Feels Like a Monday

How Could we forget this?

A quick peek at a Budget (Post)

For Puritans only.

Earlier, Scoop on O'Reilly,

Must Read!

(Lanny Davis of the "Must" read above UPdated:

"But I'm betting that such a third ticket won't be necessary, because eitherDemocrats or Republicans -- or both -- will nominate a bipartisan ticket in 2008 or commit to a bipartisan presidency after the election. And I'll wager that if only one of the parties does it, that party will win.

Any takers?")

Friday, January 12, 2007

That's More of My Post

I noticed the astute, alert and very smart people at the Washington Post listed Z The Legal Blog here -- in the category of who was linking to Robert D. (Bob) Novak's article on "The Mess at State" -- thank you very much, it is so kind -- that is some exposure and that is the name of the GAME, right? You can see who else is blogging on this tune; and more at the link to Technorati there...

And so I got busy and added some more COOL LINKS to the sidebar. Fingers don't fail me now. Gotta take the kiddo to soccer, bye.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

On Blogging for the Masses

A little something for BLOGGERS

By Alan Sipress

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 11, 2007; Page D01 (begins like this)

When the trial of Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice opens next week, scores of journalists are expected to throng the federal courtroom in Washington, far too many for the 100 seats set aside for the media.

But for the first time in a federal court, two of these seats will be reserved for bloggers. After two years of negotiations with judicial officials across the country, the Media Bloggers Association, a nonpartisan group with about 1,000 members working to extend the powers of the press to bloggers, has won credentials to rotate among his members. The trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the highest-ranking Bush administration official to face criminal charges, could "catalyze" the association's efforts to win respect and access for bloggers in federal and state courthouses, said Robert Cox, the association's president.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hump Day Dump

House Passes Terror Bill to Implement 9/11 Panel's "suggestions" (Washington Post)

Ripkin Makes it (Times)

Santorum to be EPPC ('nother one)


Legally Related

Tel justice III Update (Spitzer cuts costs)

Brendlin, A 4th Amendment case from Volokh

Another 4th Am. (10th Cir.) case, from here

Politically Related

Right to Work?


Brennan on Burger (from Slate)

New White House counsel (Post)

Grand Jury Leaks in Steroids case: Hrg Jan 12 on Contempt Order (SFGate)

Monday, January 8, 2007

Playing Catch (up)

Just a few interesting items from the news:

Gen Wes Clark (Washington Post) on "Surging" in Iraq here,

A Book Review by Allan sloan, "Capitalist Punishment" ('On "The Wealth of Nations"' by P.J. O'Rourke, Atlantic Monthly Press) here,

"Sea of Thunder" (First Chapter, this is about American animosity toward Japan(ese) and where that all came from, by Evan Thomas)

"Insecure Nation" (an editorial series by Adam Cohen of the NYT)

NYT Editorial: "Imperial Presidency 2.0"

Meet NYT Editorial Board here,

Ryan Lizza/NYT (usually writing for The New Republic) on "Alpha Male Dems"
On the phenomenal Asians on Campus, Timothy Egan reports for The Times from the West Coast. He won a 2006 National Book Award for “The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl.”

Friday, January 5, 2007

A Few Noteworthy Bits

"First Am Limits on Regulating Judicial Campaigns" (warning: technical) here.

Ed Whelan on the Ford Funeral and Justice (no religion) Stevens is here.

From ACS blog:
Before embarking on any escalation, the President should seek the assent of Congress and the American people. If he will not, the American people should understand that Congress has the power to stop him.
Neil Kinkopf is an Associate Professor of Law at Georgia State University. He served as a constitutional advisor to the Clinton Administration from 1993-1997 in the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel.

So CJ Rehnquist was a "druggie" (is anybody really surprised?)Tony Mauro/Lawdotcom

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Drinking Liberally

Check out all the good stuff on this soon-to-be new addition to the cool links list.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

How to Find Local Politics Blogs

Seven easy steps: click here. My hat is tipped to The Nation, and Micah Sifry at Personal Democracy Forum (a blog). Many thanks and many more tips to and from and attcha from Poliblog!